Do you know about the "Age of satire" in English literature ? (Neoclassical / Augustan age)


Age of satire / Neoclassical / Augustan age


·               + English literature in 18th century is mainly satirical in tone and style. Actually in 18th century satire is everywhere.

·       + In drama, in poetry, in prose as well as in the essay and novel

·       + Literature in this period was often considered a tool for the advancement of knowledge.

·       + Writers were often found observing nature in their attempts to express their beliefs. Human nature was considered a constant that observation and reason could be applied for the advancement if knowledge.

·       + With the help of satire, writers were better able to educate the public through literature.

·       + The ways satire is created; incongruity, irony -- verbally / grammatically / situational, Augustan literature attempts to reform, criticize and evaluate the existing facets of the society to make them better definitions (woman / man / class)

·       + Mostly they picked subject matters from upper class society and its inheritance.

·       + Language and structure are conventional.

·       + Super natural elements are used.


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