What are the main literary eras ?

 Literary Eras.


        The Anglo-Saxon Germanic tradition is where English literature gets its start. The earliest and most well-known piece of Old English literature is Beowulf. Geoffrey Chaucer, considered the father of English literature, utilized Middle English, which had superseded Old English during the Norman conquest of England, in The Canterbury Tales. Because of his renowned plays and sonnets, William Shakespeare has come to be regarded as the most recognizable and greatest author in the history of English literature.

Literary Eras.

There are 7 main eras in English literature;
  • Elizabethan era
  • Metaphysical era
  • Age of satire / Neoclassical era / Augustan age
  • Romantic era
  • Victorian era
  • Modern era
  • postmodern era

I will talk about every era one by one in my future posts.

Thank you


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