
Showing posts from December, 2022

Everything you need about "Cat in the Rain" by Earnest Hemingway.

Cat in the rain By Earnest Hemingway Who is Earnest Hemingway ? • He is an American ambassador. • First worked as an ambulance driver. • After that worked as a war reporter. • He is famous for his unique literary pieces. What are the common qualities of modern short stories ? • Brevity of the story. (short in length) • Conciseness (Limited characters / single plot / single setting) • Single impression. • Abrupt entrance. “Cat in the rain” introduction Everybody knows cats hate water- so what do they do when it rains. Apparently, they shiver and cover in the driest place they can find. Must be pretty lonely. Hemingway first published “cat in the rain” in 1925 as a part of a short story collection, “in our time”. He wrote it while living in Paris with his first wife Hadley, but the story’s setting in the small Italian town was clearly influenced by his time in Italy as a Red Cross worker in WW1. * This story is a prime example of the clean lean writing style that he was d